5 Health-related New Year’s Resolutions for 2023

Healthy Ozarks
4 min readDec 19, 2022


Springfield-Greene County Health Department

The start of 2023 is right around the corner and New Year’s resolutions are on the minds of many. Whether it’s your goal to save money, eat healthy, or pick up a new hobby, resolutions are unique to everyone. Health-related resolutions are especially popular in the New Year — and for good reason! Health is important. Small decisions made during the day can have a significant impact on your overall wellbeing.

With that in mind, here are 5 New Year’s resolutions we think would benefit you for the whole year:

  1. Take walks to improve your health

It’s cold this time of year, so this resolution may have to be reserved for warmer days. Whenever that time comes, Greene County has over 3,200 acres and 105 sites including neighborhood playgrounds, natural resources areas and more to choose from.

Why add this to your New Year’s resolution list? As Julie Viele, Public Health Program Representative at Springfield-Greene County Health wrote in this Healthy Ozarks blog post, “Being physically active regularly is one of the most important things you can do for your health.”

Keeping yourself moving can help you in the long term and improve your brain health, help manage your weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do daily activities, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

2. Take care of your mental health

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions people make is to eat healthy. Ensuring that your body is getting what it needs is important — especially for your mental health. Earlier this year for Mental Health Month, we wrote about how the gut and the brain go together. Poor mental health can take a toll on the body and can be related to having gastrointestinal symptoms like indigestion and bloating. Taking your mental health seriously in 2023 can help more than just your brain — but your gut, too.

Another way we can all take care of our mental health next year is by finding help from counselors, therapists, or psychiatrists. A list of local mental health resources on Springfield-Greene County Health can be found here.

3. Get caught up with vaccines

Earlier this year, Kendra Findley, Health Program Administrator at Springfield-Greene County Health, wrote about the history of vaccines and how important they are to protecting communities and families around the world. Make a New Year’s resolution to stay up to date with your vaccinations and talk to your doctor or healthcare provider to find out which vaccines they recommend for you.

Here are some adult vaccines to consider:

  • Seasonal Influenza vaccine — Everyone 6 months and older is recommended to receive the 1 dose annual vaccine.
  • Td or Tdap vaccine or booster — Talk to your doctor about whether you have received the routine Tdap vaccine (given around age 11 or 12); a Tdap or Td vaccine booster is recommended every 10 years.
  • COVID-19 updated booster — Everyone 5 and older is recommended to receive the 1-dose updated booster at least 2 months after their primary series.
  • Hepatitis B — All adults ages 19–59, and adults 60 and over with risk factors for Hepatitis B, are recommended by the CDC to get a Hepatitis B vaccine.

If you are planning to take a vacation out of the country this year, be sure and check which vaccines are recommended for protection before arriving at your destination. Some vaccinations, like the Typhoid vaccine or MMR vaccine, may be required.

Vaccine opportunities closest to you can be found at vaccine417.com.

4. Start carrying naloxone

Opioids can lead to addiction, which can result in an overdose. Naloxone is a medication that helps reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. Buying and carrying naloxone with you can help save lives — and it’s accessible. Naloxone, as a nasal spray, can be ordered through local Walgreens pharmacies and key steps to administer naloxone can be found here.

You may be asking: Why would I carry naloxone? Well, opioid overdoses happen everywhere all the time. It’s not unfathomable to end up in a situation where someone you know may need naloxone. Accidental opioid overdoses occur more than we think. Keeping naloxone on hand and knowing how to administer it can tip the scale in a life-or-death situation.

Back in August, Dr. Nancy Yoon at Springfield-Greene County Health, wrote about the debilitating stigma of overdoses and how to help in the event of an overdose. Remember, Naloxone can only be used in the event of an opioid overdose. You should always call 911 if you believe someone is experiencing an overdose.

5. Make sure your dog is up to date with its shots

Dogs are the best of friends — and their health impacts our emotional health. This year, check in with your veterinarian about a vaccine schedule, even if your dog is older. Core vaccines, like the rabies vaccine, is a vaccine with boosters your dog needs annually or every 2–3 years.

Find out more about how to be a responsible pet owner in this Healthy Ozarks blog.


The last few years have been difficult for many — the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted everyday life and continues to impact people everywhere. New Year’s resolutions that once seemed achievable, like traveling, had to be put on the backburner. As 2023 begins, the Health Department encourages everyone to put their health as a priority so that we can all fulfill our New Year’s resolution goals.

From everyone at the Health Department, we wish you a happy and healthy 2023.

